Ukrainian Mineral Waters Corporation is a leader in the Ukrainian mineral and healing table water market. We provide the market with the highest quality mineral water from various sources located in natural and environmentally friendly regions of Ukraine.

We represent factories that use only leading technologies to ensure that the water not only retains its beneficial properties during production, bottling and delivery, but also is safe for health and has a pleasant taste.


The corporation offers mineral waters from well-known Ukrainian sources – Svalyava and Kuyalnyk, so that everyone can get a hold of all the necessary elements in just one bottle at a supermarket nearby.


Our trademarks are mineral waters known for their quality and long history, which have gained popularity among consumers and have received numerous awards at various competitions and exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad.
We represent two of the largest mineral water production and bottling plants in Ukraine: Svalyava Mineral Waters and Kuyalnyk.

Svalyava logo

Svalyava Mineral Waters

All-Ukrainian known medicinal mineral waters, which are created in Svalyava, Zakarpattya. The nature of the mountains has created water with a mild flavor that takes care of you, especially in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary tract, liver and other organs of the human body. And we keep our healing sodium boron hydrocarbonate water (Polyana Kvasova, Luzhanska and Svalyava) alive even in bottled form, available at any time.

Kuyalnyk logo


Kuyalnyk is a well-known medicinal and table water of sodium chloride type that normalizes blood pH and maintains water-salt balance. The Odesa-based Kuyalnyk plant is currently represented by the Kuyalnyk and Kuyalnyk I water brands of moderate and low mineralization, as well as such unique products as Family non-carbonated drinking water for daily consumption and Tonus Oxygen oxygenated non-carbonated drinking water.


Ми прагнемо, щоб ви не просто пили рідину, а обирали корисну для організму воду.

Контролюємо якість та безпеку мінеральних та столових вод завдяки професійним акредитованим лабораторіям, які перевіряють усі партії продукції.

Модернізуємо технології видобутку та виробництво, аби піклуватись про організм було простіше, а жити безпечніше.  Аби природній ресурс заряджав вас щодня.

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